PLEASE READ ..!!!!!!! AND PLEASE BEWARE PEOPLE..!!!!!!! DO NOT Go here for anything!! awful awful fraudulent dishonest people!! I went to Schoepp motors yesterday 5/25 to look ..........and test drive. ( look and test drive being the operative words here). I filled out the appropriate paper work so I could TEST drive, some vehicles I was interested in buying. I signed nothing nor did i give permission for anyone to do anything with my financial info. In fact quite the opposite!!!!!!! I specifically told PATRICK , " do not run my credit in anyway". I am looking and I have several cars I want to test drive over the next few days, including cars at other dealerships. I repeated that I was in no way giving permission for anyone to run any financials nor did I sign anything , nor was my permission ever asked. Furthermore, we never even got close to that point. Patrick new this !!!! When I got home, I received an alert from my credit cards and a credit tracker that they had in fact ran a hard inquiry. They did offer to remove it, admitting they should not have. But lost my trust and business forever