| - I have been noticeably quiet of late. It seems I have been dining at all good restaurants with good service and have become rather complacent in sharing. But, as we all know, it only takes one bad apple to ruin everything - and this one ruined my good streak.
The Cafe had come recommended and we were considering it for our monthly Meetup group breakfast so the hubs and I did our initial run. We arrived at 740 on a Sunday morning after church and the place was nicely busy. We had tried before to go there but the lines have always been too long so we were thrilled to finally be part of the in-crowd LOL About 1/2 of the tables were taken in the main dining area, the side room empty, the bar about 1/2 full. So not so busy that we sat 10 minutes without any contact or water. Rule number 1: greet them, get them a cuppa, apologize if you are busy. Okay. I am going to give them a 2/5 on that.
We ordered simple - a veggie omelet for hubs and a 2 egg over easy breakfast for me. We got our meal 30 minutes - count it - 30 minutes later. Not sure - I think they had to go in back to the henhouse and wait for the eggs to be laid. 30 minutes on a not-so-busy morning.
Hubs omelet was fine. Chock full of pepper and onions, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes. It was a typical veggie omelet, nothing special.
The potatoes were uneven. They are steamed redskins that are them griddled which is not a bad way to make homefries (I like to boil then griddle but same idea). The thin slices were really good and crispy - my plate was dark and yummy. Hubs, however, had thick slices that did not look griddled at all - they looked like a pasty Pittsburgher transplanted to the Valley of the Sun LOL and they were hard in the middle meaning those guys needed a tad more cooking.
Toast should not be a big deal - but it was drenched in something other than butter. Liquid gold? Melted margarine? And it is thick Texas break so when I say soaked.....
My eggs, however, were the Waterloo for the day. Sunnyside up is not a tough option for an experienced cook. I grew up cooking them in a skillet as well as on the grill since busy breakfasts mean multiple orders at once. Anyway, they came back.... not even undercooked. The area around the yolk - maybe 1" in all directions - was clear. The eggs were not cooked. Being the good girl I am, I didn't make a fuss - I asked the server if she would have the cook flip them on the grill and make them over easy - that was fine with me, I just could not eat raw whites. When she brought it back, her comment was all I need to say "I'm sorry. He would not flip them over, he tried to cook them more sunnyside up" which resulted in eggs that were oddly bipolar - the edges were SO overcooked, they were brittle and curled up, the center was slightly more solid but still undone. As a server, she should have not brought them out. She knew it. There was no use sending them back - one more time on the grill and i could take them home and use them as Frisbees for the pup. When she came back for refills, she never said a word at the uneaten eggs on my plate.
Finally when she brought back my credit card to sign, she said "sorry about the eggs". At that point, I was just ticked. I don't usually complain but I did. I say that the eggs were disgraceful, that the cook would allow them to go out like that and that she as a server should not have brought them out when he wouldn't remedy the situation. she said "this is a family owned business, I can't tell the cook to do anything, they own this place". Wow. Just wow. I come from a family-owned business and, as anyone that knows me knows, I try to onlygo to family-owned non-francise businesses (except for Dairy Queen, but we all have vices....). If anything,those are the places where typically people/owners DO care about their business and their reputation. So, Henhouse Cafe - which is it? Do you really not care - in which case, shame on you, lots of other good restaurants in the area? Or do you care, in which case, you ought to reprimand or fire the server? Either way, I think the breakfast club will not be stopping by anytime soon.....