I haven't been to Dr. Woodland since I was in grade school, however I am confident that he was great! I remember going to him a lot in the second grade and I was so embarrassed because I thought that meant I had bad teeth. Several years later, I said something to my mom about going to the dentist so often when I was a kid, and she told me that I wasn't getting fillings, I was getting sealants!!! What a relief to know I did NOT have bad teeth! I still try to keep that going ... Every 6 months for me, like clockwork!
I have never had any fear or anxiety about going to the dentist and from the stories that I hear, I seem to be in the minority on that one. Seeing as how I was going all the time when I was younger (or what seemed like it to a second grader) and I still don't mind the dentist, almost enjoy it in fact, I am fully convinced that is a direct result of my first dental experience with Dr. Woodland!