| - So Magic Mike wouldn't normally be my thing but my friend wanted to go and I'd heard good things from others who wouldn't normally go either. I'd never seen Chippendales or Thunder from Down Under, etc so tbh didn't know what to expect. We had great seats (section 414 right behind the sofas in front of the stage.)
the show starts with a prank Village People act and a cheesy host. The cowboy came up to me and shook his butt in my face which seemed pointless because he was wearing jeans and chaps. Since this was my first show and I didn't realize the prank yet, I just thought "if this is what it is, fine, whatever, no need to be a downer, I'll try to enjoy it."
LUCKILY, it all changed when the the woman host took over. A modern and current show that feels like it can draw in a younger crowd than other shows. All the guys were nice to look at, and it's a "diverse" cast, about half white men, a few black men, a Puerto Rican man, and an East Asian man. I'd personally would have liked to see even more men of color. One man came close enough to me I could see the mint in his mouth, which is a considerate touch when they're getting up so close!
The waiters bringing drinks were also nice and nice to look at (nice bodies, slimmer build than the dancers). Getting the triple size cocktail (for only double the price) was also the perfect amount to last the show. Ended up getting some champagne toward the end too and it was brought out quickly.
Overall a really sexy, fun show. It's a small venue so not really any bad seats (can't speak for the balcony). The performers really work the whole room to make sure everyone gets to enjoy themselves. If you are enthusiastic about touching some abs and pecs, I'd recommend aisle seats because the dancers walk up and down them during the act and you'll be accessible to them.
This isn't a strip club so no need to tip the dancers but they have pink "unicorn dollars" so you can still get the fun effect of "making it rain." The host was funny, had great timing, was a talented dancer herself.