This is a very entertaining and interactive show. I was very impressed. The show is in the famous and iconic Jubilee showroom at Ballys Hotel/Casino. Very beautiful room even after all these years. Not much has changed, although the theater style seating is a little weird.
I was invited by my friend and magician Greg Gleason otherwise I probably would never have seen the show.
As a former performer I tend to be a bit critical when watching. But, I must say, it was really good even though I know how all the magic tricks are done, lol! Ill never tell. Their secrets are safe with me!
The illusions are pretty 'Fantastical' and I enjoyed all the dancers and their interesting costumes. The only thing that annoyed me was the 'lady in red'? Not sure why she moves around the stage and does nothing? Its very distracting. But she does do one main illusion at the end which is very sexy.
My two favorite illusions were.. the water levitation by Greg Gleason and the levitating piano performed by Tommy Wind. Both were very well constructed and fantastic to watch.
There is also a bit of comedy magic by Farrell Dillion surfing Vegas style in a straight jacket. You have to see it live cause it's really hilarious.
I sat in the back of the theater as I like to get the whole view of the if you sit down closer to the stage, you may get asked to come onstage. I would say at least 30 people throughout the show were brought up onstage by various magicians. So, if you dont want to go up onstage, sit a little further back or look down at your feet so they wont choose you, lol.
Awesome show! Highly Recommend.