Your reply to my initial posting comes at least four months after I wrote a review of your handling of my refrigerator issue/problems.
Here is my response to your posting:
I never raised my voice during our short conversation and at no time did I disrespect you by saying to shut-up. When you initially called, your tone of voice was highly agitated because I complained to Sam Sung about your service and you know that Buy Rite Appliances has several complaints that were made and not resolved by others at Las Vegas BBB. During our conversation, you continued to keep speaking without leting me get a word in the one sided conversation. I asked you politely if I could say somting and then you abruptly hung up on me.
How you run your Buy Rite Appliances is your business but people will read the things I have written and make a choice to either use your service or not to. I believe and hope they don't use Buy Rite Appliances. For one main thing, that you, I believe, are a person who is not truthful and your business practices are not even slightly good. So, people, will sort through all these postings by me and others and make their choice of Craig's Buy Rite Appliances.
Also, when I mentioned to your tech that you were rude to me on the phone, he replied " Craig has a terrible temper".