Over the years I've heard a good amount of hype about this record store and this month I finally got to it. I don't buy records and Cd's much anymore. It's funny cause I get nostalgic quite often about buying them. It used to be so exciting to buy some band you had heard about in Maximum Rock n Roll or just the liner notes of your new favorite band's record. Well, the internet has put a stop on that for me.
This record store is set up well. The staff for the times I've made it in, have known right off what band I was trying to find and directed to me to the records. Then have talked to me about that band and what they were up to. So, no Jack Black's here(High Fidelity). The prices aren't bad and a good selection for reading to. The parking the first time can be a little frustrating. If you're looking for some rare new band or just want to support an awesome local record store this is where you should go.