| - Where do you go when your washer and dryer break down?
How about Starcrest, which can boast it's own little "study room" with two desks, four chairs, and free wi-fi? That's right. I like to surf the net while separating my whites from the colors. And no, that's not racist.
The washers are expensive--at least by my standards--$1.50 a wash, but they fit in more than your average washer. Dryers are about 25 centers per 7 minutes, but are HUMONGONORMOUS, so all told, washing two loads of laundry came to $3 in washing and $1.75 in drying (all of it fit in that one dryer and i let it run for 49 mins).
The laundromat is clean and big, so that's a plus. Also, the wi-fi named "Chuck likes Guys" Um, wow Chuck. Thanks for letting us all know via internet. We're very happy for you. Seriously, perhaps a greeting card would've better. I imagine Hallmark making the card, where the front would be a peaceful lake with the words: "Life has some surprises." Then the inside: "Like my newfound attraction to men."
But since Hallmark isnt' yet that edgy, we have starcrest's wireless to make the announcements for us.