| - This review is based on two visits. One was hands down a 5 star experience. The second was a 3 star. Let me just say before I get into the review that I LOVE this restaurant. And will go back. Many times. Every visit to any restaurant isn't going to knock the ball out of the park.
On the 5 star night, I was out with my boyfriend and his friend and we all thought our dishes were great. I had the lasagna, which had just the right amount of spice in the sausage. Nice sized portion, perfectly cooked. Others had a spinach ravioli dish and the pesto gnocchi dish. All of our plates were as clean as we could get them. If there would have been any of the bread left, I might have used it to sop up the small amount of sauce remaining.
On the 3 star night, I was with a large group. I had the Chicken Fiorentina. I had to fight myself to not order the lasagna again and to try something different. I wish I had stayed with the lasagna. There was nothing wrong with the chicken at all. Cooked great, nice creamy panna sauce, perfectly cooked green beans on the side, just not as big of a fan of it as I was of the lasagna. Next time.... Several people had the chicken cacciatore and professed it delicious.
On the 5 star night, we had the service you would expect for a 5 star review. She was attentive, charming, gave valuable opinions/information on what to order. Wonderful.
On the 3 star night, I didn't have a problem with the service at all. This is based on what others in our group have said. Some said he was inattentive, seemed bored, insincere, etc. Again, just like the chicken vs. lasagna argument above, I would have preferred to have the waitress from the first night, but the waiter from our second visit was fine. One person in our group manages a Scottsdale restaurant and I asked him if he was finding the service lacking. He had a good point when he said, "If I was waiting on 10 gay men of a certain age, I would be falling all over that table." It's true. Gay men as a group tip handsomely.
I'll say it again though. I LOVE this restaurant. I love that Joe comes out and chats with you. I love the ambiance. Maybe someday I'll try something else on the menu, but next time is definitely the lasagna again.