| - Short leash was on my list of places to eat while in Az though unfortunately due to our busy weekend, and my very long list of places to eat, we just couldn't find time.
Well the stars were in our favor because on our way back from grubbing at Welcome Diner and through the arts district, sure shit enough there it was, short leash dogs. I mean I wasn't hungry but there's no sense in passing up the opportunity, you know?
We walked in and had a chat with the nice lady at the counter. I ordered the pretzel dog to go because we had the light rail to catch. It came out nicely packaged with some fresh potato chips. While waiting for our train, I took a large (as if I were hungry) bite of my pretzel dog and wow it was a good bite. The pretzel was extra salty and the hotdog had a good crunch to it. I gave my hubs a bite then took over the remainder.
Ah funny thing, that evening, while we were at the Whatever USA/ Budlight event, short leash truck was there too (free food!) and I tried the crispy one with the jalapeno cheese beef dog. I'm glad it was available because that was the other dog option I considered while at short leash. Man oh man that was so freaking delicious. I got a few more and then a few more thereafter. Even the hubs really loved them too.
Happy we got to try short leash, though super sad we can't get it in CA. Since then, I've craved that crispy dog numerous days in a row!