| - Came here on a snowy Tuesday night in the middle of February.Was in town to meet up with some animals i had met via faceboook. It was cold out side and frightful going to see some hoez was delightful.. Ok thats the end of my christmas caroling... This place is a 7 out of ten and the g string scale. The strip club is located not to far from most hotels, 20 dollar lap dance but there the pretend your stevie Wonder touchy feely lap dance, drinks are ok, not great, my tequila tasted funny and can swear it wasnt the patron I specifically ordered. But who knows.. Honestly who cares, it got me buzzed and made some of the girls here become wife material in a matter of seconds, after three drinks it seemed every chick was a model with a PHD.
Girls here are from all over the planet. A mix of Eastern Europeans, South Americans and the "i rather dance than work at hot topic Punk Rock American Superstar" who ran away from home. Most were friendly, some were jaded, (SHOCKER!!),speaking of which, could swear that came up in conversating with one of these girls, right after she told me about her three kids and need meet a nice guy..FYI little did she know I am the degenerate wall st type.. Not that it mattered.
Decor wise the place could use some updating, no difference between upper and lower brass in my opinion. Place overall is averaged sized, think large two story Mcdonalds on sixth avenue in Manhattan.Not sure its even worth spending the money for upper brass. I did and didnt notice much of a difference, except the crowd downstairs was far more blue collar, think tour bus operators/wood chippers, where as upper brass was fat sloppy old grandpa white collared types. The girls tended to hang together sit around, they seemed quite friendly and were curious to know why I was at this fine establishment by myself. Ended up getting a few dances, let them feel the flesh hammer and left. Would love to check this place out on a busier night and during a different season, would be able to give a better review at this point. TO be continued.. I will be back..