We couldn't wait to try Grampa's because of all of the good reviews but honestly, we won't go back. There are so many other great pizza places (Novanta!) in Madison where you don't have to wait forever. We expected a wait, even on a Tuesday night at 8p...but the wait just isn't worth it.
We were told it would be a 45m wait and we should go next door to Gib's for drinks. That's all fine and dandy until you get over there and get a call that your table is ready, and oh - you can't bring your drinks back over. So you slam your $8 craft cocktail that isn't meant to be slammed and rush over before your table disappears. The space is really great; a little on the dark side, cozy and lots of fresh air blowing through. The string lights and garden in the back adds to the ambiance. But you quickly realize why they always have an extensive wait - there aren't a lot of tables and people were hanging out drinking long after their meal was gone.
The service was fantastic, everyone was very friendly and attentive. The pizza was just really not that great. Ours was very over cooked - left a burnt taste in your mouth. The toppings were plentiful and tasty but it couldn't mask the burnt crust. We just didn't think the pizza was worth the trip, the wait and the price. Disappointing when that's what you're known for.
Again, great service and nice space but the pizza didn't hit the mark.