| - Depending on who you talk to, people will either love or hate Vistek. I seem to fit a little in both polls. I have had good experiences while dealing with them and bad ones. I'll share a few examples with you.
First off I have to say I like their staff in the film department. They are extremely knowledgeable and seem to actually enjoy my bombardment of regular questions. The staff in the rental department are another story. They seem to be annoyed by the customers coming in and interrupting their day. Only once have I had an enjoying time with the rental staff. Must have been a fluke. The rest of the sales staff fall somewhere in the middle. Most are nice and willing to help with one or two exceptions. One HUGE pet peeve I have with the sales staff is that until they KNOW you are going to purchase something they lack any eye contact with you and surf or type away at their computers. I have spent an entire 18 minuets with one staff member in the pro department without him ONCE looking up at me. Needless to say, I make it policy never to go through him again.
For your enjoyment here is story (issue) I have about placing an order with Vistek. I wanted a Hasselblad 503CW kit. Vistek didn't have any in stock but they ensured me they could order a kit for me from Sweden. I asked how long it would take to get the product in store. They told me 4-6 weeks so I went ahead with the order and gave them my deposit. I called back at four week hoping I'd get lucky and they would have it. No such luck. I called back at 6 weeks, same deal. At the 2 month mark I headed in in-person. Not only did they not have it, they didn't know where it was. They placed a call to their middle man in attempts to track down my 503. I couldn't hear the phone conversation but I was guaranteed by Vistek it would be there by the end of the week. I gave them 2 weeks. I'm sure you can imagine what happened next. No kit. I was planning on using the 503 for school and jobs and not having it by the promised date was costing me. I had had enough. I told them to cancel the order, I was taking my money elsewhere. I was told it wouldn't be a problem but they were going to have to keep my $700 deposit. WHAT?! I'm sorry, but I do not think so. At this point it had been over 3 months - near 3x longer than promised. After a lengthy... discussion, they returned my deposit. At the end of the day, I got my money back but still had no kit and I, rather Vistek, had wasted 3 months of my time - an entire term.
After all of that I still go back to Vistek. I know there will be hiccups, but there is something that always brings me back. Maybe it's just all those shinny products they have on display!
Large store / showroom, knowledgeable staff, many products offered
Long waits on orders, orders are often pushed back, dificult returning or changing orders, stock is sometimes low