This store is a nightmare. KMart has bogged down the checkout procedure so bad, it takes forever to even purchase a couple items. This store is old, and a nightmare for shopping. If not for it's pharmacy, I would probably never go back here. Rita and Jeff in the pharmacy are true professionals and run a great place. They are always helpful despite being tied down with antiquated equipment and burdoning procedures.
Every puchase you make gets you reward dollars. You can rack up a lot of reward dollars. However, collecting them is a nightmare. Went shopping for a couple items today. They cashier asked us if we wanted to use our points. Sure..we replied. Do you have a card? No, we have never had one. Can we get one? Sorry, we don't issue them here.
Ok, how do we get a card? Call the number on the back of the card. I don't have a card.
What is your pin #?? I have never had a card. I have no idea. We can't redeem all your points unless you have a pin #...HOw do I get a pin #? Call the # on the back of the card.
This was a store manager. Good grief. Then you check out and they print out pages of receipts. Get over it KMart. You just aren't worth the trouble.