I moved into this community in June of 2014. From then on everything gradually went downhill. In 15 months I have seen 3 different sets of management and maintenance crews. First off the bolt lock to our front door would only let us turn our key 30% of the time. I had told the front office about the issue and the solution was to spray WD40 into it. Maintenance did the job and it didn't help at all and I asked to change the bolt lock but it never happened (despite asking for it to be done 3 different times in 2 months). This resulted in being locked out of my own apartment the day before the mayweather/pacquiao fight. I had called the maintenance line at 6:40PM that day and left a message saying that my key would not let me it. I called multiple times and was concerned because our 4 month old son was hungry and we had groceries. The maintenance crew did not get to us UNTIL 12:37AM and he said he couldn't do anything about it because the manager on grounds was not answering and he does not service lock outs (keep in mind that this is the same deadbolt lock I asked to be serviced before and it's not working due to tenant error). The maintenance man offered to drill the door open but had no way of replacing the lock. I declined because that would have put my family in danger over night. He offered to be there an hour early (7:30AM) to fix it in the morning. No one showed up till 9:30AM.
There was one point where I have asked to get my air filter changed for 4 months, going into the office asking every 2-3 days. Even up to the day of my move out it still wasn't changed. I asked the maintenance manager and the two other female managers and no results.
The tenant below us was a pain for a good half of our stay. He was bang the ceiling and curse at us when my wife was pregnant and needed to use the bathroom at night. When our son would cry we had to rock him to sleep or walk around to get the milk etc. and he would bang the ceiling and slam doors. He would play his video games/ music with full bass that would rumble everything in the apartment and at times wake up my son from sleep. It was so bad that he would start at 7:30AM. Even at night he would keep going till almost midnight. I used to live in apartments and I am fully aware of being considerate of the people around and below. I confronted him and explained the situation at home but no peaceful solution manifested. I complained to management multiple times and nothing happened. The only manager that actually made things happened was the short haired blonde woman that went to his apartment the day I complained and he calmed down.
In all honesty it's a quiet neighborhood and in the beginning it was kept up and clean. The appliances are kinda old and my bathroom tub was slightly cracked when I moved it. There was a roach infestation the first day I moved it and even with the spraying it took 4 months for the pest to completely disappear. I would have extended my lease for sure but with the events that took place I just waited for my lease to end so I could find a better place.