I am spoiled. I grew up in San Diego and the girls spent the first 5 years in the SF bay Area. These cities know how to do a children's museum. In fact they have competing museums of awesome child centric wonder. Of course they are also places you want to raise children, face it Vegas is not.
The one issue I have about children's museums is parents who go. They allow their children to act like brainless monkeys who are merely pushing every button they can without regard to what is actually happening. Sorry morons but you dont get Hamlet by chaining your monkeys to a typewriter.
This annoys me vastly because often the girls are pushed aside while they are attempting the scientific function of a display by some subnormal child who is looking to just spin the wheel. If your child is going to act like an animal do us all a favor and leash them and bring them to the park. The rest of us would like to learn about the physics involved.
The Lied displays are also inaccurate esp the food pyramid one. I am sorry but who says you can intake as many FRIED eggs and glasses of Chocolate Milk as you want. While also claiming that trail mix is bad for you. Was this exhibit paid for by the Dairy Board?
But with a vacuum of intelligent choices for children it is the best we have. We should aim to do better. I cant wait for the Science Fair.