O Mei God! Gargantuan Lobsters. Absolute Beast Feast.
May require Maint. Fees to live within Shells.
Shock & Awe by means of Sea Creatures.
Complete Dining Experience. WoW.
Lobster [-2- Eight lb*] F I V E Ways -
1. Steamed {o} [scallions, glass vermicelli, garlic]
2. Stir-Fried [maggie sauce]
3. Deep Fried Lobster Legs
4. Fried Rice w/Brain[crispy tomalley]
5. Steamed Egg w/Brain[soft tomalley]
Dessert F I V E Ways -
1. Purple Rice Red Bean Soup
2. Taro, Green Bean Sago
3. Mango Mochi
4. Deep Fried Egg White
5. Black Sesame Balls
Stick with "Chinese Seafood" at this Chinese Seafood Restaurant. 3.5'd
Pour more Tea. Drink more Tea. Then pour more Tea. Drink more...
Save even MORE monies for a future Alaskan King Crab update.
* $19 per/pound
{o} Fan Favourite