| - Okay, here's the scoop. I went into Pruitt's in January, hot little Visa card in hand, ISO of a nice, big comfy sectional that they could deliver in two weeks (I had just moved into a new house). Salesperson Elaida (run if she comes up to you ... and: she has no last name on her card, I should have known ...) said 'No problem, they tell us we have to say three weeks, but it will be there in two!" Okay, sounds good. More than two but less than four grand later, said couch was paid for and supposedly on its way to my new home. (I think you know the rest, but I'll continue.) Two weeks later. Nothing. Three, nothing. I call. Oh, it had to be shipped. It will be there right away! Shipped? I call in mid-February. 'They ran out of fabric ... it will be there the first week of March!' They're making it? She said it was in stock. Well gang, it's the first week of March, so I call again today. Now it's looking like the end of March AT BEST because it is being MADE overseas (so much for the assurance that this was a stock item ... and it's being made in Taiwan). Long story short, Pruitt's kept my $$$ for 7 weeks ... did nothing ... never called ... and lied when I called them ... repeatedly. So I made them give me my money back this morning. Save yourself time and trouble!! I didn't even buy one of the (many) cheap couches they have and they still treated me this way. Shop elsewhere! Oh ... and if you know somewhere I can buy a nice, big comfy sectional ... let me know.