While XS has replaced Tryst at the "it" club in Vegas, I think it still lives up to the hype. Check it out on a Thursday, since XS isn't open that night. The feature waterfall and dance floor that extends into the pool are unbelievable. For a girl from DC who thought MCCXXIII was as good as it was ever gonna get, this place took my breath away. I lucked out in that we inadvertently planned out girls weekend in Vegas during March Madness, so given the generally high guy:girl ratio we easily worked our way through the line and had a drink in our hand in 15 min. The DJ was great and played the non-stop pop/hip-hop I was looking for to start my weekend off right. The place was crowded, but never so packed you couldn't walk through the club. Drinks are pricey (unless you make friends who have bottle service) and cover was $20 for girls on a Thursday. As with all the popular clubs, try to get on a list if you can.