Worst Example of a RIP OFF I have ever scene, my friend went into their shop for an oil change and they refused to return his car (Read in Illegally Seized his car) saying that an issue, which was covered under his EXTENDED WARRANTY and that they couldn't get a part for until 5 days later, was the reason it wouldn't be returned and cited NRS as if they had the authority to seized a vehicle, a fact that was totally debunked by both the Police that I called and a retired Marshall.
I called numerous shops and a tow company and they ALL said the same thing - That my friend only needed to sign a liability release to the shop for the car, and the Police agreed they had NO right to Keep his car. I called AAA and arranged a tow to another shop and got to listen to the Manager of this Midas tell me "If you were really his friend you would help him pay for the repair." REALLY? Help him Pay for you to seize his car (which the Police told us you had no right to do), Not have his part for 5 days and lie to him? NO REAL FRIENDS ARRANGE A TOW FOR THEIR FRIEND TO ANOTHER SHOP WHO WON'T DO ANY OF THESE THINGS. DON'T EVER GO HERE! They even tried to Bully my friend who came with me to help (Who is a Security Manager for a Casino Property) , myself, and my friend whose car they illegally seized, so we all had to record the entire situation on our phones.
The ONLY REASON THEY STOPPED is they realized I had a Verified Twitter account and was posting on Social Media as well.