This is not your gourmet bakery, but more your bread store bakery with lots of varieties. I drove past this for years and never stopped. Didn't realize what exactly it was. For me, the main thing is lots and lots of rolls and bread and you don't have to buy by the quantity at the store. You fill your own bag with whatever you want. They also had a very nicely priced item of the week. Mainly I liked the buns (hoagie, sesame, etc) and I also got a bag of the dinner basket bread steakhouses have. It seems to me this is what they do....make the bread for restaurants, but let the public come in to buy them. I bought those raisin/nut rolls and they were awesome. As well as the onion rolls. They have these thumbprint cookies 4/$1 by the register and they are pretty darn tasty. I tried a bagel and they were okay. Good, not great. I am still looking for a great bagel here. Some of their "gourmet" items were under par. For me, the goodness was in having the staples at a good price and getting a variety or the quantity you wanted. I am still trying different things, but glad I finally went in this place.
I love a good cinnamon roll, but they looked dry and bland. I didn't get one because they didn't look good. Not sure why others are saying they were divine.