| - The first time I came here I was buying a reptile as a present for my boyfriend. Both the owners were running the shop that day. The man was very helpful but up-sold me, and told me he would give me a discount but never did. I left with a $250 receipt, the reptile only being a small percent of that. And I still did not have all the necessary equipment. I was told I would have to return to buy the heating and lighting equipment for another $100. Because it was so out of my budget, I had to pay with a CC. Luckily I popped in one of the better known pet stores on my way home and found a WAY better deal on everything I would need for half the price! They have a terrible NO RETURNS policy printed on their receipts, but I was so upset at getting taken advantage of and set on getting my money back. They did not hide their displeasure when I returned less than an hour later, but agreed to refund me for everything but the reptile. I was told that my CC had gone through on my end but takes about 24 hrs to go through on their end, so since they technically did not receive the money yet, I could not yet be refunded and was not permitted to leave with the merchandise I had just purchased less than an hour ago. . . . I was so frustrated that I couldn't even argue. So I was forced to RE-PURCHASE the reptile (I used the same CC. So stupid) before being permitted to leave with it , and was made to leave behind the other $200+ merchandise I had paid for, which I was VERY uncomfortable with. I returned the following day and got my money back but the whole ordeal was a terrible inconvenience.
My second visit was yesterday, as this was the only reptile store I knew of at the time. The store had a bad, stuffy smell that it did not have the first time. There were two employees there and very few customers, but it took a very long time to get someone's attention for assistance. The stuffy smell just made us more impatient. The woman that finally assisted us man handled the two reptiles we were shown but would not allow us to hold them. We also had some concerns about the state of the reptiles but the women was unable to answer our questions. She simple said, "I don't know what to tell you." When I stared blankly back at her, she finally offered to get help from her co-worked, but by then we were done and would never be coming back.