| - I bought a pair of Brooks and I noticed the tread literally falling of them. I use them 3 to 4 times a week. I probably waited too long to bring them in, but I thought to come in today to ask about it anyway since they were $140. Maybe it was a common shoe defect they have seen with other pairs, who knows.
I walk in and as soon as I tell the man that I am not there to buy shoes, and he eyes me holding the ones I brought in, I could see him tense up. He was quick to tell me Brooks wouldn't replace them... but didn't try to check. Usually starting with, "I'm sorry to hear that..." is a good opener instead of NOPE BROOKS WON'T DO ANYTHING.
He tells me it's not uncommon to replace shoes every 4 weeks, that's what he does. I say "Of course you do, you work at a running store." He starts into a long-winded explanation about how he exercises 7 days a week and condescended to explain the more shoes are used, the faster they need to be replaced. I understand that, but I am just an average Joe, and have never had a brand of shoes deteriorate like these so quickly. I ask how his story is going to fix my problem since I do not exercise 7 days a week and do not want to replace my shoes monthly. He starts up in an accusatory voice, "Let me guess, you just want me to replace your shoes!" I say "Sure, or do something to fix my problem," and he goes "I was explaining that before you INTERRUPTED ME." and he rolls his eyes.
If someone is going to roll their eyes to me and talk to me in a condescending tone, I am going to get mad. He screamed at me that he wasn't going to help me after I mumbled I don't need his bleeping attitude. Great customer service... attitude, and then flat out refusal of help.
Look, even if you think that I am BS-ing you and trying to get a free pair of shoes (which I wasn't), you have a business that lives and breathes off of mouth-to-mouth recommendations. The right thing to do would have been to just listen to me, instead of speaking over me and yelling at me to listen to you.
There is another review on here saying they tried to return shoes and were actually bullied into buying another pair. I am sure that's where he was trying to steer me today, too, but let himself get upset when I saw through his fast-talking BS. Congratulations, you turned away not just *my* future business, but also the business of my friends and family.
UPDATE: After this, I bought a new pair of New Balance from Shoe Carnival for $50 on Gilbert and Germann and they served me better in my workout today than that pair of Brooks ever did. Bye Felicia!