Nearly every time I planned or dragged people to Milk Tiger, this place was always packed. Makes sense considering how small the place was.
But since my sojourn to New York I've been dying to go to libation spots like these that give that hidden spot feeling. Finding this place already matches the experience of walking around Greenwich village, just stumble off 17th and look for a tiny white tiger hovering above a near-hidden entrance.
For a consistent 10$ you can get cocktails whipped up for you. It's cheap compared to all the other places in Calgary. The only place I've been to was Beatniqs and I'm not sure it's reincarnated Wine-Ohs would reprise their $10 cocktails. The last time I was here, I loaded up on their Hemingway Daiquiris...Papa always knows best.
I haven't extensively tried their food menu but I had this risotto thing that was deepfried into a pizza pocket. It was gooey and did not taste bad and ruin my night. Jesus what an amateur way to describe something I just ate. I'd check Milk Tiger's website but whats up "Das Wichtigste zuerst"?