I can't say enough positive things about this experience. My boyfriend and I are in town from San Diego and have endured a rough couple weeks. As a little treat I bought the Groupon (an hour float for each of us) and I can't think of a better way to unwind.
I would like to say Steven (receptionist) was truly wonderful. He shook our hands to introduce himself and made me and Steven (boyfriend) feel extremely at home. With experiences like this, it's important for the people guiding you through to be knowledgeable and sincere. Steven is truly one of the most genuine people I've met in a long time and his positive energy filled the room.
Everyone else has detailed their experience so I won't go into anymore that what's already been said. My best advice. Go in with an open mind and allow yourself the opportunity to be alone with your thoughts. It can be overwhelming for your first time but stay calm and focus on your breathing. Counting to 300 truly helps!
The most beautiful sound is the sound of your own heart beat and it's a sound we so rarely hear. Enjoy yourself in every aspect of this experience. It's extremely intimate and incredibly therapeutic.
The best news is they may be opening a location back home in Encinitas. As soon as they do, I'll be enrolling in a membership. Thank you for a wonderful float. Can't wait to see you guys again.