What you get out of this show really depends on what you were looking for. The dexterity and athletic tricks were excellent. If you are looking to be amazed at what the magicians and their team can do with their bodies, you won't be disappointed. The special effects were also outstanding.
So why am I giving this show a 2/5? Basically,I was expecting more impressive illusions in this show given Criss's reputation. Almost all of the technical tricks were pretty clear how they were done. There was one illusion in particular that bugged me. At the very beginning of the show, there was a nice slide presentation with a video that I'm pretty certain demonstrated how the trick was done. The comedy moment after the trick also gave a big hint. Perhaps this was what the artists intended, but I would have preferred if it had been left a question. Hopefully once the show ages, the illusions will be more sleek.