Considering the amount of dogs that are dropped up in all conditions and many seniors it is a great place. They also rescue dogs from other shelters. These shelters ask for their help because the dogs are either injured or in need of surgeries. The SPCA provides the surgeries, and any after care. I find it strange that people complain about the animals in cages and the smell. Of course it smells, it is a shelter that is full of unwanted and abandoned animals. They rely on volunteers and donations. They have to make do with what they have. People volunteer and walk the dogs, they have a play area. They also have knowledgeable staff and sometimes they will not suggest a dog for you. They advise you to bring in your cat or other dogs to see how the interaction is going. Yes, there are some medical problems that do go undetected. We adopted 3 seniors from them, and all three have underlying medical issues that are not noticeable. They can't screen and run complete workouts on every single dog. It would cost a fortune. They watch them carefully and anything noticed is acted upon immediately.
You are not going to get the Ritz of a doggie shelter. It is what it is. It shouldn't even have any abandoned animals in there, but people dump their animals for the lamest excuses and some are quite honest, can't be bothered anymore and they are too old.
So someone else gets to take care of them and find them a home.
All three of our seniors are the greatest. We would of adopted them if we couldn't afford the medical care or grooming. They have a list of their animals on their Facebook page. Best to look there and ask at the front reception. They will tell you that the dog needs regular grooming and to budget, so if you can't afford it, don't get a dog that needs grooming.