It is my understanding that Madison will be performing tonight and Saturday night. Are you aware that she is now working as an escort advertising on various websites in the Phoenix market? Is it common for you to hire woman that are into this sort of illegal activity?
Hello Ryan. Although you may think I am blowing smoke, I am not. However I do appreciate you responding. As far as your derogatory comments towards me I feel somewhat insulted. As far as you insinuating that I was under the influence, that is so far from the truth as my sobriety date is 6/6/2000. As far as me sending my review so early this morning, I am a very early riser. I spent so many years of my life destroying my body and life, I now wake up felling refreshed, meditate, reach out to help another alcoholic, and go to work. As far as you saying that I have been scorned by this woman, not a chance. My intention was no more than to give you a heads up. Obviously you are not taking this seriously. I suggest in the future when someone posts something that is not to your liking, you may want to investigate the facts before you respond. You are not even aware of who she is and what time she started her shift. That is mind boggling. Enjoy your green beer and Happy St. Paddy's day. I know I will with my Diet Coke and providing ride shares to the to the ones smart enough to call and not get behind the wheel.
Here is a link for the new dancer Madison also known as MVP. It appears she does more than dance.!/phoenix/comments/4804289227/20206985/1