3 reasons to ever fly Frontier.
1. Deceptive pricing. Their fares look cheap but after you pay the a seating fee a fee for a carry one they are no cheaper than everyone else.
2. Customer services . The gate agent here laughed at an elderly couple trying to check in for a flight because the check-in is only open limited times before a flight. What a wonderful person to make fun of an old lady in a wheel because she is going to have to drag here luggage around for two hours because check-in is closed at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
3. The seats. The planes have hard plastic seats. . they were designed by some one who clearly never has to sit in one.
As a business traveler who fly's almost every week I get to ride on a lot of airlines for the most part they are pretty much even. I can say now I have seen the exception to that rule. If there were a gold medal for sucking Frontier would be the Michael Phelps of airlines.