After I deliver my baby I will NEVER come back here again! I was looking for a dr that would take me at 3 months pregnant and they were the winners. I should have checked yelp to see the reviews because this place is awful!
I was a cash pay patient at first, so the first appointment was supposed to be $260 ultra sound included to confirm my pregnancy. The lady up front saw I used to be covered by culinary and it said I was still covered. I had told her I'm not covered because that was my moms insurance and I got terminated due to turning 26. She still tried to charge them anyways and next visit to their surprise I wasn't covered. DUH!
My ob contract changed like 3 times. First time was fine because I went from a cash paying patient to being covered by insurance. Then my ob contract changed again because they calculated wrong. Then they changed it again when I was like 7 1/2 months because they realized I had already had a c section so the amount dropped.
Every time I went into an appointment prior to paying my ob contract, I was told I owed money even though I had paid for that month, and when I told the lady up front I've already paid she would say oh okay I see it.
What really pisses me off is I go into my last appointment confident that I am paid up for my ob contract, surprise, I'm told I owe them MORE money!! So now I have to figure out where the hell they think I owe them. I was going to ask for paperwork on the info of my c section since I wasn't going to see them until the day of and I totally forgot because I was so mad about supposedly owing them more money! And on top of that I asked the dr how big she thought the baby was going to be, and her response was well he's not gonna be that big. Well duh I figured that I was looking for more of a pound estimation..
Save yourself the headache, staff is incompetent, Drs don't take time with you just rush you in an out, and it's all about money with them.