My friends Dave and Boh took me out for supper at Shahi Masala Paan on Friday, August 11, 2017 and it was delicious. Thank you to Shahi Masala Paan for friendly and accommodating service and great food and, of course, thank you to Dave and Boh for treating me. Shahi Masala Paan offers mostly Indian food, mostly from southern India, I think. There is a wide and varied menu and you will need to return many times to check it all out. I cannot even tell you what we had because Dave and Boh did the ordering and I am not very familiar with Indian food or the names of it. It was all excellent however. I know that I did have one of three Indian-flavoured lemonades though, and it was good too. Please see the Facebook page for Shahi Masal Paan. Thank you.