This review is based on Chas Roberts as an Original Installer for Richmond American Homes new construction.
Chas Roberts installed two Goodman Desert Series Heat Pump system with Air Handler.
The first couple of months of living in the new house I noticed that 1/2 the house was hot.
So I called the number on the thermostat and Chas Roberts came out.
Verdict....Freon leak in unit. Wait how could there be a freon leak in a brand new unit? Wish I would of known more about HVAC then. So unit gets "repaired" more like the tech just added freon.
Year two summer rolls around. Same thing. Same unit leak. "repair" performed freon added.
Year 3-7 same story, but this these times I went with other contractors with same result. All said terrible install. None of the contractors recommend replacing the unit if it is less than 10 years old. I looked online and these units can be had for $2000 plus install. I have been paying about $500 a year for leak fixes and freon. Probably could have had a new unit by now.
Going back to Chas Roberts. All the thermostats installs had big holes in the drywall that was not patched. So this summer of 2014 I patched the wholes. Also all the vents had to seal. Close to 1/4" gaps at registers. Really these guys are happy with such sloppy work. Richmond American has to take some blame as well as they are the final say.
The air handler has multiple air leaks. Once I get some Mastic and UL Al tape I will seal the leaks.
The hvac flexible ducting has leaks where they attach to the air handler.
Also the routing of the HVAC flexible ducting is terrible. One of the ducts loops in a circle...really how efficient is that?
I guess I will take it upon myself to correct what the professionals have done.