| - As a true Cubs fan, my destination of choice during the month of March is Arizona.
Hohokam Park is my #1 choice while I'm in AZ and here's why:
1. It's 80 degrees here, it's 15 degrees at home
2. Inexpensive game tickets (if you don't get them from the ticket website, don't worry, there are plenty of scalpers close to the park)
3. $5 parking!!!
4. The Asian Noodles at the park are AWESOME! Yup, I eat noodles at the ball park, in the middle of March, in the blazing sun, and drink a beer. You should do this too.
5. One time while I was waiting in line to get a hot dog, Ernie Banks walked past me and I thought it was just THE coolest thing ever.
6. Hohokam has an up-close and personal kinda feel when it comes to the players. They will actually give autographs at Spring Training (if the timing is right [i.e. when they're leaving the ball park, or entering the ball park})
7. Last time I was here, I met and Fergie Jenkins and Jay Johnstone and got some autographed baseballs from them. Jay talked to us for quite some time.
8. I think Hohokam might be the only AZ Spring Training park that tailgates.
A few tips from the spring training pro: The bottled water outside the park is cheaper and colder, buy it. If you have lawn tickets, get there early, bring a blanket to sit on. Ronny Woo Woo, is going to be there, he's nice and you should be nice to him (he once beat me in a hula-hoop contest after the game in the parking lot, he also left voicemails for my friends back at home in Chicago). Respect your elders because there are A LOT of em here...afterall, they probably are Chicago transplants and could teach you a couple things.
Cubs fan or not, make sure to visit Hohokam, you're bound to love it!
Go Cubs!