I was forewarned by a friend that this seemingly cute panera-esque (appearance wise) restaurant was the lemon equivalent of a car. You are hyped up to drive this beauty and then suddenly you hear a noise- it should be a warning but you decide to push along anyway and then damn it gives out- and you are stuck on the side of the road.... that sums up my experience perfectly:
Midway shopping at Trader Joes I put down the Guacamole Kit I was holding and decided I didnt want to cook- I wanted something that was already prepared...over to Zoes Kitchen I went.
Appearance-wise this place is bright- kid friendly, casual and clean.
The service was quick and friendly.
The prices seemed fairly reasonable $7-10
Upon looking at their offerings I asked myself "what type of food is Zoes Kitchen?" They seemed to be struggling on whether to be a Greek, Italian or Mexican restaurant- I say do one but do it well.
The lady at the counter recommended the chicken roll up's- served with -salsa??? I decided to give it a go- and also ordered the Pasta Salad side.
The Pasta Salad was pretty good. I didnt get a vinaigrette flavor as Krishan mentioned but I could taste the Basil and Feta. Overall I was pleased.
The roll ups were just plain gross! They had a very mushy inside. It almost tasted like they put lettuce in there and it was all hot and soggy. I pulled out the chicken to at least try to salvage my dinner but it was hard and very dry. I normally will just kind of finish a meal even if it's not my favorite- but this was not the case - it was inedible. Id like my $8 back ....
I don't think I would give it another shot...