The previous poster is right on about the absurd prices on easy to find items. I've tried to tell the owner that he's got way too much stuff on offer, but he likes the idea that if you come in dying for some Johnny Rivers, you're going to find 8 albums of his right there under the R. The whole store is like that, so expect to do some wading. He's also got a huge selection of Beatles and Stones stuff on separate shelves above the bins. He's not into vinyl reissues - it's a bit of a nostalgia trip in there because you're going to be flipping through tons of stuff that will never be special enough for a reissue. But if you're looking for a copy of Rush's 'Signals,' for example, I found 3 copies to choose from so I got a nice clean copy pretty cheaply. Best advice: wait for his 2wice annual 50% off sale. He had the 50% sign up last week (late October)