"Bustling" is the mot juste for ALTERNATIVE GROUNDS on Roncesvalles at Grenadier. The barista was pleasantly flustered by the onslaught of patronage as they danced around each other singing a chorus of cheerful "sorry"s.
Roncesvalles is a neighborhood with a unique energy. People genuinely LOVE their local shops, cafes, grocers. They recognize eachother and "hey" their neighbours. I always feel like I'm in a (trendy urban) small town. Every third man has a baby strapped to his chest, and words like "local", "ethical" and "organic" are good for business.
The cafe itself has a fun, friendly atmosphere; there is a mash up of country kitchen tables, a wall of bulk beans to choose from...lots of vegan desserts, thick homemade soups... and 2 women squealing with delight at their samples of a tart cherry beverage (though I can't guarantee they're be here when you are...) Plus two bulletin boards jammed with local activities and going-ons. Lots of seating in the back means you'll always get a table.... AG makes a great local hot spot! http://brev.is/igg4
333 Roncesvalles Ave, Toronto, On 416 534 5543