Ummm ok if I'd have known that only the "Cleveland Indians" were allowed to play baseball here, MAYBE I wouldnt have brought my uniform, equipment and these 17 people I found in the streets to this wonderful place to play America's pastime. (We had a team name picked out and everything: Big Aaron & The Foul Tips) Good thing for me that as general practice I bring my own hot dogs and condiments to most places.
Also I mean why are you only open in the spring and summertime? Really missing an opportunity to make some cash in these winter months when there's nothing to do.
You could have at least let my friends and I in to walk around a bit maybe run the bases for a few minutes. It's like they said in that movie Bull Durham "if you build it he will come". Well "HE" and his friends had to settle on playing catch on the median on Ontario in the middle of January.
It's fine though. It's not about where you are but who you're with. Go tribe, I guess.