I Ask If They Had Sauces To This Grumpy Old Guy Who Worked There, He Ask How Many Do You Want? I Said 10 Sauces, He Was Like "10 SAUCES?" Yes I responded. Then He mad dogs me & say's They're 25 cents each. Then, I nicely responded "okay". I go to the car to get more cash then I Walk Back In, He Wasn't Even The Cashier, So he stood behind the other cashier, he just kept Staring & making faces Like A Creep. Like I understand If you're going to charge for the sauces but atleast Don't Be Maddoging Your Customer, I'm buying your food. Plus Why Be Grumpy In The First Place? I'm just a regular teenage girl ordering, why even make me faces? I hope you retire soon. Seems Like You need it