The manager Joey is what saved this from a one star review.
My wife and I decided to purchase a new Jeep and decided to go to Earnhardt. We got there and saw three salesmen playing on their phones while sitting on the golf carts they use to take people to look at cars. This where it started going wrong and in a big way. My wife is very pregnant, and none of these brain stems came over to us to see if we wanted help. Fully expecting to have a salesmen motor over to us as we made our way through the jeeps. Instead, after opening doors, sitting in, constantly opening the hoods on 15 different jeeps we had settled on a this point we still had not been approached by a salesmen. I walked back to my jeep and drove back to get my wife, the three brain stems were still sitting there as I climbed back into my Jeep. I collected my wife and was informed that NO ONE had been by. Well I had it. As I walked to the front door of the dealership I was finally approached by a salesmen who asked if I had been help! ARE YOU FUCKING ME?! No, I said, but you can help me by pointing out a manager. The salesman slunk back inside and out came the sales manager Joey. Joey was very polite and appeared understanding when I pointed to the three idiots still sitting outside playing on their phones and explained what had happened. I will not be back. And that's sad because we really had found two different Jeeps that we liked but, because of the lack of care or common sense, there is nothing that can be done to get me to set my foot back on an Earnhardt property.