| - I haven't written a review in a long time, and this place inspired me to get back on Yelp, but for all the wrong reasons!
Remember how Jennifer Love-hewitt (back when she was still somewhat relevant) went into some crazy fancy and expensive designer store in Beverly Hills and they pretty much kicked her out because she was fresh out of the shower with no makeup on and they thought she was some sort of penniless peasant? I FELT LIKE MISS JLOVE TODAY, except I'm actually not a celebrity, incase you didn't gather this, but please feel free to think that I am.
I happened to stop by this shop because my boyfriend was at the bank next door and the bank is boring. The problem wasn't really with the selection of knick-knacks, purses or shoes (all what you'd expect and all priced as you'd expect, reasonable but underwhelming). The problem was really that the staff was....gosh, what word should I use....stuffy? Rude? Cranky? Completely bitchy? Not pleasant in any way, shape, or form?
All of them. The staff were all of those things. Just awful.
I'm a fairly congenial person, so it perplexes me deeply when people act this way towards me. I purchased a little item for my kitchen (the actual word for the item has completely left my brain right now...derp) and I walked away from the purchase with an internal dialogue that went along the lines of "OH. I'M SORRY. I DIDN'T MEAN TO OFFEND YOU BY PURCHASING SOMETHING FROM YOUR CRAPPY STORE. GOD FORBID!". The lady that ran the registers was terse and had the air of a drill sergeant. And there is nothing spectacular enough in that shop or about that shop that will drive me to go back.
I went there once when the store first opened, maybe 10 or so years ago. This is only the second time I've been there. Now I remember why I never went back. So, I suppose we can conclude, that if history repeats itself, I will go back there another 10 years from now and the staff will probably still be just as awful. Maybe I'll update my Yelp review then...