school is almost over and last night when i went to our open house at school i realized how bless my kids are to be able to go there and what great teachers my kids have! This school is academically amazing (alex is 2 grades ahead, sara started the year struggling and now is getting a's and b's partly bc her teacher has given countless hours of her own time (free of charge) after school to work with her, & trey actually likes school!) This school doesn't just use the title "christian school" this school is just as serious about academics as growing the kids in their relationship with the Lord. I truly think this is a treasure and i would love to share the experience with all my friends. If you are thinking about a change for next year, go visit before schools out, you have to see the kids there with the teachers to experience God's presence in this school!! With 3 kids in this school all with different academic abilities and personalities this school has been a great fit for all of them. Academically kids are pushed. If your child needs extra help a tutor will meet with them, also teachers have homework help times after school to work with kids. If your chid is gifted they will be placed in honors classes and be expected to perform! I have kids at both extremes and know this first hand. My only downfall with this school is that after school programs are limited in the early grades. However, the school is always open to suggestions and if parents have a desire to start something I know from experience the school makes the time and the space. I feel like at this school a lot of the kids go to club sports, private lessons, etc so the school has tried but many of these kids are already spread thin after school. We have been there for several years and I know from reviewing the national testing that my kids do every year that all 3 kids are at or way above grade level (even my child that struggles.) Your child will be pushed but PVCC believes in their students and they will provide the means to build confidence in the kids and to help them be successful and to grow in their abilities so the kids can stand on their own to be successful in later academic endeavors.