I recently MADE AN APPOINTMENT (I wrote that in all caps on purpose) for a pedicure at Raun. I have been there before and always had fine service. NOT this time. I arrived a bit early and checked in....then I waited. ...and waited. ...and waited. I was about 5 feet in front of the reception desk and not one of the girls ever acknowledged that I had been sitting there for over 20 minutes AFTER my SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT. I understand things can get backed up; what I don't understand is not saying to a waiting customer "So-and-so will be with you soon, would you like some water?". After being ignored for 25 minutes I told the girl at reception I was leaving. All she did was ask if I wanted to reschedule. Why? So I can sit and be ignored again? No thanks.
There are A LOT of salons out there...I'm sure I will find one that wants my business.