Our server was amazing. Very friendly, fast and brought stuff to keep our little guy happy, along with a great personality. The wings were great as always.....HOWEVER, the Foccaccia was beyond disgusting and the manager is a giant douche bag! The foccaccia bread was 100% raw dough. We asked the waitress if it was supposed to be raw. She said "no" and got us the manager. He creeps over to our table, like a pedophile with no introduction as to who he was. We showed him the raw dough/bread. He tried to tell us they make their bread on the "doughy" side. I had to laugh..sorry, but its not bread until its cooked. It was the thickness of an uncooked tortilla. All he says is "can I get this out of your way?" (referring to the foccaccia) and leaves. Wth? No apology, no nothing. It was so ridiculous, it was comical. Who tells a customer they serve bread on the "doughy side"... no one does that! Get some customer service skills.