| - First, when you walk in, you'll notice the place just looks and feels so much cleaner than most auto-shops. Denelle I think is her name works the front desk, she was great, and she guessed my car's issue right just from my sound impersonation, hah! They checked it out while changing my oil, sure enough, same thing my other mechanic said. I had a coupon for a $20 oil change, but that is for regular oil and mine takes synthetic. They double checked that it can't take regular, and again, I know my usual guy uses synthetic as well, but to make it up they gave me the same $10 off the usual synthetic price, $60, which is exactly what I usually pay, so total was $50...and they checked my fluids, check engine light issue, as well as confirming the noise is the power steering pump. But what put it over the top was a MAILED thank you note, signed by them. Ok, I love my mechanic, but these guys are my new go-to for routine stuff. second opinions, and possibly big jobs if I want to make sure it's done well.