I have been shopping at Journeys of Life since I first moved to Pittsburgh 20 years ago. My best friend and I used to shop there all of the time for each other's presents for birthdays and Christmas. I remember many times we would be in there together ohhh'ing and ahhh'ing over the product selection saying that we loved this or that product and they quickly grabbing the item and saying, "I'll buy this for you for insert special occasion e.g., Christmas, birthday, because you are my best friend, etc.". I feel that the product selections have become more mainstream and more kitschy than the unique items I remember buying in my late teens/early twenties when I first shopped here. There are still a lot of unique gift items to be found for a variety of people on your friends' and family gift shopping list, which is great, but I do miss some of the more unique items that I can now only find online or at similar types of shops in other cities. Overall, I love this place and will continue to shop here for many more years to come.