Came in for groupon deal of $12 for 30min foot massage. This was the second time having this type of service but first time at the place. Even though I didn't say anything, by pulling away and making eye contact should be enough to stop in that area. I guess not. I kept pulling away, it was painful. The guy was digging his thumb nail into the middle of my foot. Not comfortable at all. I couldn't relax. I felt I was being tortured! Never coming back again. As I paid, I wasn't leaving a tip. I would have if I liked the experience but I didn't like the service! The same guy stopped me as I was leaving and said I had to leave a tip! That's how he makes money. But I didn't like it. I asked him if it was a requirement for me to leave one and he said yes! Demanding me to leave a tip, he wouldn't let me leave. So I changed the receipt to $5. I don't ever leave with out leaving a tip at an establishment I'm getting service BUT this was the worst experience ever. Not only did I waste $12, I wasted my time, an extra $5 & getting stopped by the employee! I have to make sure the receipt doesn't get altered after I changed it.