| - It's only ok, I say this because the counselors SUCK. They have no idea what they are doing, and each one will give you conflicting information, which in turns screws you and your degree plan up. I was given the wrong degree form. Twice. I was told I didn't need communications. Wrong. Everyone does.
Every school has good and bad professors, and the same is true here. Here I have had really great professors who have taught at ivy league schools (why they are here now, I have no idea) and then there are the ones who make you want to stab yourself repeatedly in the eye.
It's a small enough campus that you can get from one end to the other in less than ten minutes, which is usually the only time I have between classes, and big enough that you don't get swept away with a current of people.
Have a problem with parking close? Shut up. There's a LOT of parking here. A FRICKEN LOT. Most people are too fat and lazy to walk the extra 100 feet, and prefer to drive around for ten minutes to find a close spot. Seriously, there have been people who come in late saying this, and guess what? They would have been on time if they had parked in the NEVER FULL lot on the otherside. UNLV is way worse! They have METERS there guys, so come on, CSN parking is not bad at all. So shut up.