| - I must say, if your a regular paintball player, DO NOT PLAY HERE! They max your FPS down to 220.. My Mini could not even handle it,the hammer wasn't even going all the way back, and it kept dry firing. Plus they have this one bunker rule, where you cant approach if the enemy if they are in the next bunker. If your going for the first time, or you really like not getting welts, this place is for you. The part that really sucked even more then everything I've Already said, there's like a 15 minute wait between each game. For no reason other than lazy employees... I gave it 2 stars because the people that worked there were nice, and they really enforced the rules on the field, even willing to jump in front of your gun,and take a few hits if your advancing when you can't. I would never go again, but I see the appeal for new comers.