Started coming here when my daughter was born and saw Dr. Potts. Absolutley loved her. My daughter is now 15 months and weve been in approx every 3 months. Since shes been born every visit they have messed up my insurance and I get a $1000 bill. So every 3 months I have to call them and tell them she has been on our plan since the day she was born. So they tell me they "fix" it. Until the next well visit and it gets denied again...long story short I have had to do this run around over 6 times. Very annoying but again I loved Dr. Potts so I looked past front office mistakes. Well recently I found out Dr. Potts moved and was so upset. I came in for her visits and have seen other providers that are just ok... but the most irritating thing is waiting well over 45 min each visit. I understand things happen and it gets busy, I work in a medical office, so I have given mulitple chances but today was last straw. I arrived 15 min early, was brought back right away and undressed my 1 year old and got her weight. We then sat in the room for 45 minutes, opening the door twice to see if anyone was coming. Its not exactly easy to ask a 1 year old to sit in a room for 45 minutes...let alone in just a diaper in the winter. So after 45 minutes I got her dressed and walked out. I received a phone call asking if I left 20 min later, and telling me I didnt get her vaccines...which yes im aware I could not wait any longer. No one appologized, all they care about is getting the money for vaccines. Currently searching for new dr.