FINALLY I found a Mexican restaurant in Vegas worth a repeat visit. I super lucked out since it's right around the corner from our house.. The place is HUGE inside and very welcoming. The walls are hand painted murals and it's bright and airy. We were greeted immediately upon entering and were seated within seconds.
Right after that our drink orders were taken and the homemade salsa arrived with excellent chips. YUM
I actually came in to try their tamales, but when I saw mole on the menu I changed my mind and I am SO HAPPY I did. I rate restaurants based on their Mole and this place is up there with the best I have ever had. The chicken mole enchiladas were E X C E L L E N T. The mole was so perfectly balanced, some chefs make it a little too bitter and this was none of that. My writing this I realize I need to go back soon.
Hubby had the fajitas burrito with changes, he added shrimp to his and deleted the beans. He never spoke through the entire meal, I think he just made moaning sounds.. LOLOL funny to watch. He asked for the spiciest sauce they had and they brought out another homemade salsa that was really good. I tasted it and although extremely spicy it had great flavor to it. Too spicy for me, but hubby was in heaven.
My only complaint is that I asked to have the rice omitted from my plate and when it came out there was a full portion of rice. Since I didn't ask for anything to replace it I didn't mention it to the waiter, by serving it to me it was already wasted. In their defense I ask for no rice 100% of the time in Mexican restaurants and 98% of the time it still comes out with rice. I think the cooks are so conditioned in how a finished plate looks that they just do it automatically.
On every trip we take to Vegas I have tried a few Mexican places in hopes of finding a regular hangout for us. I can't go a week without having some really good Mexican food and now I can honestly say my mission has been accomplished.